
Love it ?☕
- Alessandra Nicoletti (Italy)

Superbes produis de la marque dazzybody ??❤️
- Diams Martins

Ringrazio l’azienda @dazzybody per avermi fatto provare questo fantastico scrub al caffè e cocco! Lo potete trovare in tantissimi altri gusti, aiuta a rendere la pelle idratata e morbidissima.
- Giulia (Italy)

Non bisogna mai trascurare la pelle, anche se d’inverno è più nascosta.
Avete mai provato questo scrub di @dazzybody? Io ho scelto quello al caffé e agrumi e sono soddisfattissima!
- iamlaura16 (Italy)

Questo scrub al Caffè e Cocco di @dazzybody è fantastico, ha un profumo buonissimo e lascia la pelle liscissima!
- nessiegram (Italy)
È un prodotto davvero buono, mi lascia la pelle molto liscia e non ho bisogno del make up. Inoltre, ha una profumazione squisita. Io l'ho scelto nella variante caffè e cioccolato.?
- Sandra Corvino (Italy)
Don’t forget to love your body!? Thank you @dazzybody for this product.
- fannangel (Hungary)
? La peau est directement toute douche et on voit qu’elle est bien nourrit !
- thehappinessbeauty (France)
Thank you dazzybody for this coconut face and body scrub! Love it! ☕??
- Redák Krisztina (Hungary)

A bőröm határozottam selymesebb lett, még testápoló felvitelére sem volt szükség utána. ♥
- Coffee O´clock (Hungary)
Mi consolo con questo nuovo omaggio di @dazzybody e dopo aver provato il coffee scrub al cocco ora proverò quello al cioccolato ❤️
- Nali_lola (Italy)
Thank you @dazzybody for the wonderful scrub with coffee and chocolate!
- Marsida Gogoli (Italy)
Il est gé-nial! Il gomme super bien et laisse la peau toute douce.
- uneplumefictive
"When the coffee obsession gets real...☕️ Also i've been loving anything coconut scented lately. So drinking my coffee and using the Dazzy Coffee & Cononut scrub this morning is a great start to my day!☀️
- Inez Hilda
100% natural and smells of coffee! What's not to love? ♥
What I love most about this coffee scrub, however, is that you can use it on your body too and it has the same glowing, hydrating and refreshing effect.
- Sophie Spaldin
Das ist einer der besten Scrubs, den ich je probiert habe?.Die Reinigung der Haut erfolgt schonend und delikat.Dank den Ölen wird die Haut glatt und wirkt gepflegt.
- It´s Najda time

Ce produit j’ai adoré le tester, il contient uniquement des produits naturels et rien que pour ça je met un gros pouce en l’air car il n’est pas comme d’autre gommage ou exfoliant qui eux contiennent uniquement des produits chimiques.
- universdesophie

Baby bellies love our Dazzy coffee scrub!
- Dani Rhianne Lawless
Review by beautiful hungarian blogger @alexandratajti

Massive thank you to @dazzybody for sending me this lovely body and face scrub to try out! ❤️ First impressions: it smells incredible... who doesn't love coffee and chocolate? ☕️?
- Lauren Sian

Lovely natural coffee body scrub♡♡♡

Ez a kávés-kókuszos bõrradír a fürdõszobám egyik legújabb és legfinomabb illatú darabja. Mostanában a testradírozás a mániám, úgy néz ki, hogy csak sikerül magam rávenni a rendszeres használatra...
- OH MY BRUSH (Hungary)

Nagyon szeretem a kávés testradírokat, ez a kávés-csokis különlegesség arcra is használható és csak természetes összetevőt tartalmaz. ?

Ennek a @dazzybody kávés, csokis, mandulaolajos teljesen természetes bőrradírnak olyan illata van, mint egy szelet sütinek. Nehéz volt megállni, hogy ne nyaljam le a szám környékéről. ?

Amazing product! I don't know how I could miss that!
- OH MY BRUSH (Hungary)

Le gommage au marc de café c'est tendance, c'est fun, c'est naturel et en plus c'est super efficace ❤️
- Les envies de talie

I’ve used coffee scrubs before and whilst I’ve always found them really good, I’ve never classed them as a MUST-HAVE, life-changing product ?
- Lauren Sian

Dazzy est une marque cruelty free, qui ne teste donc pas sur les animaux, et qui utilise seulement des ingrédients de qualité. J’ai testé les gommages au café pur et au café et citron, et je dois dire que je les a-dore!

I'm in love with coffee scrub. Review by Melily Beauty
- Melily Beauty

Review by
- Sandrine Sanchez (France)

Review by

Review by

This product works and smells amazing. I wasn't sure what to expect at first try but now I know Dazzy is perfect for my skin and I absolutely love it!
- Henrieta Dvorská

I really love this kind of products and this one is definitely gorgeous. It´s natural,smell nice and actually works. Your skin will thank you after this,it will be smooth ,soft ,glowing and healthy.You just need to try.
- Zuzana Henešová (weebohennes)

So great! I'll definitely recommend to everyone I know. Smells yummy and my skin is sooo soft!
- Barbora Hulinová (Step with Fashion)

It works best if you scoop a little out & add a bit of water to it before rubbing it on your skin. It feels great, very refreshing and leaves your skin feeling so soft, silk & smooth and I smell like a chocolate all day.
- Kristína Donovalová

I feel in love after my first try, makes my skin soft like a baby´s skin! I´d recommended to everyone!
- Veronika Rentková

Fantastic product! I use it about twice a week and it keeps my skin feeling amazing. This is for sure my favorite scrub!
- Slávka Homolová