Don't miss these tips.
Keep it clean!
Too often people are in a rush and don´t have take the time to care about the skin. Cleanse your skin every morning and in the evening to keep your pores clear and your skin fresh and beautiful.
If your skin is dry and flaky make sure you are gettinf enough water every day.
Drinking enough water also helps to keep your skin looking and feeling better. Water is essential to maintaint the optimum skin moisture and deliver essential nutreints to the skin cells. Water also removes toxins and waste products from the body thereby cleansing it.
Get healthly = stay healthly!
You are what you eat. Eating the right foods mean a glowing, clear complexion and skin looks great and healthly. When it comes to healthy eating, there are important vitamins and nutrients that you should eat if you want to improve the health of your skin. Skin stays hydrated trought it´s own naturails however are supported by good fats like those that come from salmon, tuna, nuts, avocado, natural oils and seed. Also omega 3 supplement may also be helpful your skin.
Breaking and sweat!
Anyone who makes a habit of going to the gym or practices some sport know a secret of good skin. Breaking and sweat help to have a glow skin. Regular exercise improves circulation, oxygen capacity and it improves your complexion. Raising your heart rate once a day makes your skin glow.
More sleep!
A good night's sleep can mean good skin health. Don´t forget to sleep at least 8 hours a night. When you’re sleep-deprived, your body makes more of the cortisol.
Cortisol, the stress hormone, ages the skin and can cause acne. Sleep reduces the cortisol level in your body.
And most important ...
Don´t forget to use Dazzy coffee scrub! It´s so simple! Dazzy will give to your skin everything what it needs in order to be beautiful and glow. Combination coffee and other carefully chosen ingredients help you have a clear, smooth, hydrated and soft skin.
Caffeine helps tighten the skin, which can help reduce cellulite. When applied under and around the eyes, it can minimize the appearance of puffy eyes because caffeine restricts blood vessels, which reduces swelling and inflammation. It can also help treat non-hereditary dark circles under the eyes.
Let´s try Dazzy!
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Miraculous treatment for eczema, psoriasis and acne
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You probably care about a lot of things and relations around you. You care about your car, home, pets, husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend, friends, kids, family members or work. But where are you, your body and your emotions? It’s so important to think about yourself. Let’s start with your largest body organ, that covers about 20 square feet. The skin.