Secret of Dazzy coffe scrub
May 2017

Who doesn't need coffee in the mornings? It tastes warm and delicious and giving you an energy in the morning. The caffeinated bitter drink can aid in losing weight, curing headaches, preventing diabetes and act as powerful antioxidant.

Even so, the amazing benefits of coffee don't stop there. Nowadays it's not just your taste buds that deserve coffee also the skin need the health and cosmetic benefits that bring good coffee. Caffeine’s anti-ageing properties help in prevent skin damage and preserve its well-being. It is one of the richest source of anti-oxidants. It´s proven coffee reducing acne, psoriasis, stretch marks, small veins and cellulite.

The main factor that makes such a potent base for Dazzy body scrub are high quality ingredients. At Dazzy scrub we use Robusta coffee beans. Robusta is coffee made from the Coffea canephora plant, a sturdy species of coffee bean with low acidity and high bitterness. Roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive, earthy flavour, but usually with more bitterness than arabica due to their high pyrazine content. Combination coffee and other carefully chosen natural ingredients create the ultimate exfoliator.

Learn more about the benefits of Dazzy coffe scrub.

Benefits of using Dazzy coffee scrub

  • Reduction of stretch marks
  • Exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Temporary reduction of cellulite
  • Helps to reduce eczema and acne symptoms
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced eye puffiness
  • Smooth skin
  • Younger and fresh looking skin
  • Skin absorbs moisture more effectively
  • UV blocking properties in coconut oil help to fight against premature aging
  • The biggest advantage is Dazzy scrub will help you find a moment for yourself, forget everything, reduce stress and let yourself be pampered. Not to mention super soft and smooth skin that you only ever day dreamed about.

So use Dazzy and give you a lovely kiss of care!

Dazzy body scrubDazzy body scrubDazzy body scrub

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