Get your skin ready for the summer!
When the summer is comming it´s time to wake your skin up out of winter hibernation.
Winter is not too friendly to your skin and you will need damage control before summer. If you like to spend a lot of time outdoors and want to get a tan you should prepare your skin. Nothing expresses summertime more than soft, smooth and endless golden glow skin. It´s super easy! The best way is Dazzycoffeescrub!
Dazzy is super effective in softening and refresing the skin and we guarantee you will be so amazed at how glowing your skin is. Use Dazzy scrub on your arms, hands, legs and feets to get yourself ready for bikinis. Scrubbing before the beach will prepare your skin for tanning products, eliminates cellulitite, breakouts and keeps your skin healthy.
Coffee is a great antioxidant which activates blood circulation, improves skin´s appearance and texture as well as removes dead skin cells. Coffee has the same PH level as your skin, improves also skin´s ability to absorb moisturiser, it´smean leave your skin hydrated and silky. Continue scrubbing all the summer it comes in especially handy when you need to get rid your skin of sunscreen and oils.
Result is simple – just healthy and sexy skin! So take the time to do this for yourself and feel revitalized too.
Happy tanning and don´t forget to „love yourbody“
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